Each issue of Stitch magazine takes you on an exciting, creative, textile journey... bringing you traditional embroidery techniques and a wealth of creative contemporary ideas.
Reuse & recreate
Tail of Splendour • A Costa Rica adventure inspired this crewelwork design with a contemporary twist, featuring the quetzal bird in all its resplendent glory
Gathering Inspiration • Caroline Hyde-Brown, author of Forage & Stitch, gives us a glimpse into her life as a textile artist whose passion for nature informs every aspect of her work
Stitch Together • Jane of Stitch-ED shares with us their love of workshops, working with other communities and how the humble Dorset button never fails to inspire
Delightful Daffs • Use both 3D and 2D needle felting techniques to create this pretty Easter hanging decoration, adorned with daffodils
What’s On
Stash Street • Experiment with fabrics from your stash, free machine appliqué and transfer paints to create a cute cottages clip purse
Full Circle • Display the delicate beauty of seasons past, present and future with this versatile leaf project that includes gelli printing and stitched details
Spring Arrival • We may associate hedgehogs with autumn, but by March they are starting to wake from their hibernation. Bring your spring hedgehog to life by silk shading on painted fabric, with ribbonwork flowers too!
Why should I choose digital?
Stories & Stitches • Practise a variety of smocking techniques with our beautiful book cushion that doubles as a smocking sampler
Smocking Stitches • Jay Hooper’s book cushion uses a variety of classic smocking stitches, so here she goes into detail about the formation of each stitch, so you can achieve perfect results every time
Dragon’s Gold • A symphony in transparent materials, goldwork techniques and padding, Arya the water dragon creates a shimmering spectacle that will dazzle all who see her!
For Your Bookshelf
Would you like FREE a embroidery focussed download?
Meet the Artist • We chat with one of our talented embroidery artists. Regular Stitch contributor Joyce Wong shares with us her love of silk shading and talks about her current course at the Royal School of Needlework
Templates • All the templates, guides and patterns you will need to complete this issue’s projects. Please note the scale before starting.