众所周知,哈佛大学是一所已有300多年历史的世界顶级学府,自美国独立战争以来,美国几乎所有的革命先驱都出自于它的门下,而它也一直被誉为是"美国政府的思想库"。在这里先后诞生了8位美国总统、40多位诺贝尔奖得主和30多位普利策奖得主;许多我们耳熟能详的社会名流都是从哈佛大学走出来的,例如世界首富比尔·盖茨、通用CEO杰夫·伊梅尔特等,我国近代著名的学者、作家,如林语堂、竺可桢、梁思成等也都曾就读于这所世界著名的高等学府。(As we all know, Harvard is a world's top university with history of more than 300 years. Since the American War of Independence, almost all revolutionary pioneers are from this university, and it has also been hailed as a "thinking bank of the US government". Here, eight US presidents, more than 40 Nobel laureates and more than 30 Pulitzer Prize winners has been born ; Many of celebrities who we are familiar with graduated from Harvard University, for example, the world's richest man Bill Gates, universal CEO Jeff Immelt and so on. Some well-known scholars and writers in modern China, such as Lin Yutang, Zhu Kezheng, Liang Sicheng also once studied in this world-renowned institution of higher learning.)
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