A Powerful How-To Guide for Energetic Self-Care
When you're dealing with a health issue, what kind of energy practice will help the most? "To bring ourselves back into wellness," teaches Lauren Walker, "we first have to understand what brought our body out of wellness. When we return to balance, the body is best able to heal itself." With The Energy Medicine YogaPrescription, Lauren brings you an invaluable guide to help you uncover the root causes of specific physical, emotional, and psychological health complaints—along with a treasury of potent self-care practices to accelerate your healing.
This easy-to-use resource includes:
"If you want to affect the physical matter that is your body and the invisible matter that is your mind and your soul," says Lauren Walker, "the most effective practice you can learn is how to work with your own energy." With The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription, she brings you a solution-oriented manual to complement any health regimen—filled with essential insights for well-being, techniques to activate your body's natural healing intelligence, and a powerful new vision for happiness and wholeness.